Embrace the Extraordinary: A Transformative Journey Beyond Coaching

This is NOT just another Instagram Coaches container … It's an invitation to join me on a life-altering EXPERIENCE that will take you on the path to personal growth and transformation. I am here to take the complications out of coaching and healing and guide you towards feeling empowered, alive, and aligned.

This is your opportunity for a transformative adventure like no other

This is for you if:

You’re open, curious and willing to step into a world where transformation is an EXPERIENCE, guided by a friend who genuinely cares. Together, we will unlock the feeling of ALIVENESS and embrace a life that is truly aligned.

If you’ve heard, seen and consumed content around healing & self development , but desire more than a coach (another face from the gram) and instead want a trusted friend to guide you with unwavering support and understanding. If ….

  • You’re constantly second guessing and doubting yourself, never feeling like anything you do is enough and taking action from this place often leads to mental and physical burnout

  • You’re often engaging in self-critical thoughts, and focusing on flaws or failures.You’re in a constant state of comparison, often feel inferior, worry if you are behind in life or believe others are better, more successful, attractive or worthy

  • You struggle with perfectionism and high standards that manifest in never feeling satisfied even when you reach goals or what you define as success, you constantly move the goal post and feel like there is a constant voice in your mind that sounds like a slave driver . You’re always questioning if you’re enough and taking action as a result of these always leads to burnout

  • There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground for you in pursuing goals or showing up in life (hello or nothing mentality) - it feels like you’re doing ‘really good’ or ‘really bad’ 

  • You crave downtime but anytime you have it, you’re still left craving rest having spent it stressed, overthinking or still wired

  • You experience physical manifestations of anxiety such as body tension, headaches and even digestive issues and even simple activities sometimes feel stressful for you. You may also experience brain fog, forgetfulness, feeling run down, hormone issues or low immunity

  • You often overcommit to certain areas of your life to achieve and leave other areas neglected.This might look like a lack of work or family life balance - you even find taking on activities as hobbies, for fun or prioritising personal relationships difficult … you’re lacking creativity, spontaneity and spark in life out of fear of losing control

  • You’re always trying to be the YES person, trying to be agreeable and likeable, and avoid anything that could rock the boat … Leading to resentment and exhaustion in your relationships and social settings, as well as a feeling of no control having given your power over to others

  • You’re actually very self aware, you’ve maybe even done a lot of courses, listened to a bunch of content, books or seen someone, except you still feel meh or stuck, you’re witnessing yourself in misalignment and feel frustrated often.

  • You frequently catch yourself daydreaming or fantasising about a more fulfilling life but struggle to take concrete steps towards making it a reality

Or maybe

  • You get stuck in procrastination or overwhelm which leads to guilt, self-blame, or self-criticism due to the awareness of the consequences it may have on personal or professional life. You engage in distractions or activities that provide temporary relief for this, butttt this only makes it worse 🤯

  • Sometimes it feels like you’re just going through the motions and drifting through life - You may even question the meaning behind what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and if it’s worth it or right for you. You might find it difficult to make choices with conviction that you’re on the right path

  • You struggle with emotional regulation and either shut down your feelings or express them in frustration or a breakdown

  • You engage in self sabotaging behaviours in an attempt to numb or self soothe (using food, social media, alcohol, Netflix to cope) - you also feel a lack of self trust to see your intentions through because of your self sabotaging behaviours and get caught in the cycle of sabotaging and starting over again.

  • You struggle with poor body image, a cycle of restriction or bingeing even and often look in the mirror with judgement on your reflection and experiencing an influx of negative self talk

  • You seek more intimacy and connection in your relationships but struggle to be present

  • You may even struggle with social anxiety and always feel like you have to put on a front to fit in

  • You often don’t feel seen or understood even by those closest to you or perhaps even feel a sense of settling or accepting that you know isn’t leading to your most fulfilling relationships

  • You see your period as a problem and get frustrated with your cycle stopping you from momentum. Or maybe you struggle with your hormones as a whole, have irregular or painful periods

  • You feel numb and out of touch with your body. You worry that if you slow down, feel your feelings or listen to your body you’ll stop altogether, get more stressed or lose progress

Sound familiar?

Imagine if instead …

Waking up with purpose and excitement. You celebrate achievements, set fulfilling goals, and embrace your uniqueness without comparison. Self-compassion is your daily practice, lovingly embracing imperfections.

You take responsibility without self-blame or shame, fearlessly exploring new experiences. Pursuing goals, you find balance and learn from mistakes with self-compassion. You set boundaries, speak your truth, and maintain self-respect.

Confident and self-assured, you no longer question your worth or seek validation. Relationships are filled with deep connections and honest conversations. You manage time and responsibilities effortlessly, granting yourself rest and rejuvenation. Sleep is restful, waking up refreshed.

Motivation and certainty guide your decisions. You embrace the present while envisioning a vibrant future. Purpose and joy are woven into your life. Mental and physical well-being thrive, free from harmful coping mechanisms.

You integrate self-development knowledge, cultivate self-awareness, and nurture a healthy relationship with food. Fearlessly, you embrace growth and trust your inner voice. Your relationships are flourishing, and you prioritise listening to your cycle, body and emotional well-being.

You confidently express desires and feel alive in your body. This is your transformative future, where you stand in your power and live a life of fulfillment.

The Wonderful What If… What if life looked like :

  • Celebrating even the smallest of achievements and setting new goals based on personal growth and fulfillment because it’s a natural reaction for you

  • Being able to step towards your personal version of success with self-compassion, and recognise that mistakes and imperfections are part of being human and learning opportunities.

  • Feeling like your needs are met too in relationships. Instead of conflict or resentment, your relationships are filled with connection, intimacy and healthy, honest conversations

  • Having a knowing that you have FULL permission to rest, laze around, do things just for fun or have some extra Z’s when required (minus the shame, overthinking, stress & guilt)

  • Feeling a spark, motivation, drive and desires like never before

  • Having a sense of purpose and direction in life, your time is free of self questioning and instead you’re taking sustainable concrete step towards fun, joy and fulfilment

  • Having an inner voice that is supportive and encouraging rather than critical or demanding. Looking in the mirror with unconditional love and appreciation

  • Being able to recognise your worth irrespective of the to-do list, achievements or society’s version of success - you take action from a place of self-love and respect 

  • You’re able to stay present and engaged in your experiences, avoiding disassociation or numbing behaviours, free from self sabotage and as a result your physical and mental state is THRIVING

  • Approaching daily activities with more ease and reduced stress, finding simple activities enjoyable and stress-free

  • Being able to regulate emotions effectively, express them with freedom, but with a sense of safety for yourself and those around you, you feel emotionally aware, healthy and stable

  • Choosing to prioritise WHOLE health over appearance, nourishing your body, soul, heart and mind. You have a healthy relationship with food, finding balance and satisfaction without restriction or bingeing

  • Building the confidence to trust your internal niggles and guidance in work, relationships and life. You’re content, fulfilled and full satiated in life

  • Being able to fully express the authentic you socially and in your relationships

  • Feeling alive in your body and trust it to know what it needs

What you get …

6 x 90 minute 1:1 coaching sessions

Unlimited voice message support

(it's like having a super supportive friend in your pocket)

Personalised meditations & practices


A shared and HOLISTIC experience with the inclusion of a community and input from professionals in other spaces. My own healing journey was approached from all angles and a HUGE part of it was also human connection. Which is why for FREE I have included





Investment: $1111 or $1200 on a payment plan

Wanted a connected and clarifying alignment call free of charge (it’sd just a friendly chat between yourself and mwah


Hey fence sitter, I know you feel the fear, but …

You are your biggest ROI …. you are the one consistent, sure thing for your whole life ... your mind, body & happiness will be your biggest roi. it's literally the driver behind everything else

How This Experience Creates Transformation:

More Than a Coach, I'm Your Trusted Friend:

I'm not just a face on the gram or webcam; I'm here to be your trusted friend on this transformative journey. Our connection goes beyond coaching sessions. What you can expect from our sessions is not just the deep work, breaking through beliefs, speaking to your subconscious and so forth. I’m your new bestie remember. It’s the DnM’s that contain complete vulnerability, I’ll be here for the tears but also the deep belly laughs, real talk, being your hype gal, giving a sneaky book recommendation or playlist for vibes. I mean who said self development had to be serious ALL I THE TIME ANYWAYYYY)

*Spoiler alert one of the ways I grew the most was just learning to be more human and have fun

Simplified, Sustainable Transformation & Holistic Healing:

I understand the confusion and overwhelm that can arise when starting a transformative journey. That's why I'm committed to simplifying the process for you.

  • I combine the basics of self compassion and conscious mindset work with subconscious reprogramming and nervous system regulation 

  • I am trained in NLP, am trauma-informed and love a good emotional release modality to help you feels the feels so that you can move through life and reach your goals feeling lighter, more regulated and aware of when you need to reconnect with in to keep evolving 

  • I help you to discover your why, your purpose and use both practical life coaching exercises and subconscious work to help you find purpose, meaning and a clear vision 

  • I help you to heal the parts of you that have learnt limiting ways to keep you safe. We work together to integrate the self that you feel shame for and held back by with the part of you that KNOWS what she wants, who she has to be and what she has to do to be whole, happy and thriving

  • A Holistic Healing Experience: My program goes beyond surface-level fixes. It's a holistic healing journey that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. We will address the root causes, ensuring lasting transformation and profound well-being.

What others have experienced

  • I was absolutely blown away by everything you said and did, and completely shocked at how much it shook me, but it also resonated so much! I'm not entirly sure what I was expecting, I kind of signed up on a whim, and thought I'd try something diffeent as I felt like things I had been doing weren't working well for me anymore. But everything you did blew me away, and I came away feeling so different from when I started. I was emotionally exhausted afterwards, but even through all that I could feel a change, a light, a hope, inside me.

    • Lis

  • I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have done the work I did with you you. You were my first step on my self development journey and were able to help me heal, learn and view myself in a new light. I was able to work out my blocks that were stopping me from next steps. I loved our zoom sessions and conversations in between they gave me so much support and direction when needed. I'm so glad you were my first step in my journey and I would love to work with you again and again. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts and trauma in such a safe space, you made me feel heard and valued the whole time, I cannot thank you enough for that. Thank you for being a friend that I could go to for guidance or just vent. and for showing me that the life I desire doesn't have to be in my mind, I can make it my reality

    • Kyomi

  • Thank you so much for the time you've spent with me so far, I've honestly already learnt so much about myself and different things I can do to help my mindset and what to be aware of when certain feelings come up. You're always happy to message me at any time outside of sessions and since I first found you I just felt like I related to you so much and it's nice to know that other people have been through similar experiences and not feel alone in the journey! I am so glad we formed a friendship out of this

    • Erika


  • Firstly if you or someone you know is seriously struggling with mental health I always encourage seeking professional help. But what I do is help you to also take a holistic approach to healing and digging yourself out of whatever hole you’ve found yourself in.

    My services is for those who are already self aware, have taken measures to support their mental health / whole health but are ready for more, to try an alternative, holistic approach and are sick if getting stuck in their own BS.

    Whether it’s self sabotage, self doubt, burnout, body image, social anxiety, fulfilment in relationship, feeling in touch with your feminine or simply needing a cheerleader, guide and very best friend to help you break free and build everything that you desire.

  • Yup, the current payment plan is split into 3 x $400 fortnightly payments, if a different instalment structure is needed all you need to do is send me a DM via the gram here

    I do also offer other 1:1 packages as a 3 Session VIP Experience that includes voice message support or one-off breakthrough sessions - again just drop me a line for more info my friend

  • Oh yeppppp, if you’re feeling the pull then there are always levels and layers to the growth journey of being a human. Ya know what they say, new level … new devil (except not reallyyyyy a devil I like to see our blocks as opportunities for learning and connection)

    I tailor and personalise the program completely, whilst I always follow some structures, formulas and essential theory and modalities, the order and context of support is always aligned to your unique needs

  • When we break down trauma what it is really is a SURVIVAL adaption ….

    Our nervous system will adapt in order to help us adapt to the environment of those experiences which is wonderful because we then do get through them

    But then what happens we have 10, 20, 30 years that these events are still alive in the system and we haven't adapted back to a place of homeostasis, a place of safe, so we still run into the symptoms

    Undigested life experiences is a good way to reference trauma

    Everyone has survival adaptations to experiences in life, consider the metaphor of kid putting their hand up in class & everyone laughs at them, they'll experience a contraction, a shut down response, which is a type of survival response, (this in itself could be trauma with a small t, micro trauma)

    Healing really is just regulation and coming home to the whole you and coaching is a vehicle, a guide to get you there